Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Way behind Some of James recent baking

James made this beautiful cake a few Sunday's ago. The thick chocolate frosting on top is delicious and the butter cream filling was my favorite part.

These chocolate Easter eggs are filled with a peanut butter filling!

Friday, April 15, 2011

One reason I love living abroad

Why is it that flowers are cheap almost every where in the world except the United States? I bought it little beauty for $5. It has been 5 days since I bought it and it still looks nice;)

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wedding cards

This one is my favorite. I just love this layout. I have used it in so many cards and it just works so well. I am also very in love with this paper. I believe it is from a package called Night and Day and it is just beautiful! This card is a bit different but I am happy with the way it turned out. I love the big, thick ribbon but I have a hard time using it on cards. But for this card I made it the focal point and in the end it gave me the results I was looking for.
This one the layout is simple and I like it but I am almost wondering if my designer paper choice was not the best for a wedding card. Maybe if you knew these were the wedding colors then it might work better.
Last but not least, this was the very first card I made for this class and I have wanted to use this stamp for a while but I really don't know anyone getting married so I have not made many wedding cards. I have at least 5 wedding stamp sets that I have hardly used but I hope at some point to see more weddings. I am just at a point in my life where all my friends are now married but none of us have children old enough to get married. Living over seas doesn't help that when I do know someone getting married it is just too easy to order the gift from their registry since I can't make it to the wedding. Oh well enough of my rambling.

Thanks for stopping by feel free to leave a comment with your input!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Graduation cards

This weeks card class was graduation and wedding cards. Here are the graduation cards that I made. It worked out that some people only wanted to make graduation cards and other only wedding so I will post picture of the wedding cards when I finish them all.

I just love these little flowers. The were a little tricky but then the whole point of the class is learning to do a few new tricks!

Kids Easter Baskets + Exciting news!

Well I finally got around to getting the kids Easter baskets made this year. I made a sample one a few weeks ago for my card class and now here are the ones I made for my kids. This one above is for Jou if you couldn't already guess. She also wanted the one I made for the card class I told her she would have to buy it if she really wanted it. I thought for sure this would drop the subject and she would just choose the one she liked best but she really wanted them both cuz she got out her money and paid me the 35rmb for the second one. Don't ask me what she is going to do with two since I told her the Easter bunny only leaves one basket of treats per person. This one is Kaia's This one is Xman's
And last but not least Bhavi's basket.
Oh and now for the exciting news. Starting sometime next week if you live in Beijing you will be able to purchase my paper products at the Tai Tai store!!!

Thanks for looking!

I'm so Lucky
