Sunday, October 4, 2009

Scrapbook room.

It has been awhile since I have made any cards and I am very happy that I have been able to get into my scrapbook room. Here are some pictures of the room. I still need to get a few totes to put my stamps in but I hope here in not too long I will have my room at full function. I spent a lot of time in my scrap room in Belgium but I don't know if I will get as much time in here now that we live in China. Since I am able to attend the kids school so much I want to take advantage of that. I have been spending part of one day a week in each of the kids classrooms. I am on the Lunchroom Committee so I have those meetings twice a month, I have play group with Bhavik every Thursday, and one Tuesday a month is Lunch Bunch, and one Tuesday is Explorer day. Not to mention all the other shopping there is going on. But I suppose there are always the evenings!

It has been a bit of an adjustment working in this room since it is a bit smaller than my room in Belgium but I really don't think I will be having people over to scrap with me, at least not very often, so it really is plenty big for just me. I really have enjoyed having my punches hanging on the wall. I have seen this idea many times and always wanted to do it, so I was excited when I bought this racks to hang my spices only to find that I didn't have space in my kitchen. So right to the scrap room they went. James was even happier that he didn't have to hang them. Since I just called the workers from River Garden to come and hang them. It cost me 5 RMB per hole they have to make. So for 40 RMB I was able to get them hung. Which is about $5.50. The best part was I didn't have to wait for James to get around to it.


The Flight Crew said...

Sounds like a neat room. Your week sounds pretty busy and fun!

I'm so Lucky
