Friday, January 1, 2010

Pirate cards

Well since I did a tea party for Jouette and only invited the girls I promised Zekaia we would do a party for him and his friends too. So I made these pirate inviations for Zekaia's pirate party. It took me awhile to figuare out what I wanted to do and it even took me awhile to decided if I even liked the way they turned out but in the end I am very happy with them. Zekaia thought they were great and in the end that is really all that matters to me!


Cristy said...

Were they difficult to make? They look really detailed. I hope his party was a success!

Catherine Cazier said...

The hardest part really was getting the pirate stamp in the right spot on the cream circle. If I had been smart I would have stamped then cut but I didn't think about that until after wards.

I'm so Lucky
