Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Jouette is 6 years old!

I don't often talk about my kids on my blog but this last Monday my little Jouette turned 6 years old. I have loved "almost" every minute of having a daughter. Yes we have our days but I really don't know if I have enjoyed her enough. I would be so lost without her. She really is such a great girl. She is loving, kind, happy and helpful every chance she gets.
One of her first pictures, Ouch my head hurts!
9 days old

1 year old

2 years old

3 Years old.

4 Years old.

5 years old.

Here is my Jouette today at 6 years old.

I love you Jouette and look forward to many more years of getting to know you!


Cristy said...

Happy Birthday to Jouette!

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe she is 6! I remember when you had her. We were in the Nursery together and you were about to get released soon. It is crazy to think it has been that long ago.

I'm so Lucky
